One random Saturday up in the north suburbs of Chicago landed me at a small bakery in the heart of downtown Highland Park. I had heard of this new place called Baker Boys through an
article in Chicago Magazine that featured their amazing cheesecakes. My love of sweets led me to see what this place was all about. Little did I know, I'd become such a loyal customer!
Red Velvet, Peanut Butter Cup, Hot Fudge Sundae |
On my first visit, a friend and I split a red velvet cake and tried some of my favorite coffee, Julius Meinl. You're going to offer me ridiculously cheap cupcakes AND serve it with ridiculously delicious coffee? Yes please! The tiny bakery has a handful of tables that afford a close-up view of the display case full of goodies. The place is run by the two baker boys themselves, who work long hours to provide their customers with the freshest desserts around. It's amazing to think that these two run the show with the variety of treats they offer. From cupcakes to cheesecakes to handmade gelato, everything is made fresh in-house daily.
The baker boys are willing to make whatever flavors you'd like, even encouraging customers to call ahead to place their order. The offerings change daily, based on whatever they've decided to whip up that day. Luckily my bf lives in Highland Park, so I have my own personal delivery boy whenever the urge to have a cupcake hits! The baker boys are so friendly and welcoming that not a visit goes by where they don't greet him by name!
Over the past few months, I have been trying out as many cupcake flavors as possible, but the one that reigns supreme is the classic red velvet cupcake. Now, I've tried many red velvet cupcakes, but Baker Boys' is the best! From the slightly sweet cream cheese frosting, to the overly-moist red cake, you will eat it and immediately have the urge to down a dozen more (or maybe that's just me). I have tried many of their chocolate cake-based cupcakes and I have to say they do not compare in consistency to the red velvet.
Baker Boys also offers mini cheesecakes, gelato, and their most recent offering, hand-dipped milkshakes (coming in the next few days!). I have yet to try any because of my cupcake loyalty but I look forward to trying the gelato and shakes as the weather turns warmer!
If you're in the suburbs (or are looking to make a special trip!) I recommend stopping by for a cupcake or any other delicious treat. For now, Baker Boys uses their Facebook page (link after the jump) to communicate their newest flavors and concoctions and frequently interact with their loyal customers. As I tried more and more flavors, I began posting photos to their Facebook page which led to the Baker Boys dubbing me the "Annie Leibovitz of Cupcakes" (AMAZING!). I give Baker Boys 4 stars for the moistest red velvet cupcake around, their laid-back business model and devotion to their customers and ridiculously low prices ($2 for a cupcake?!).
The following are photos of all the flavors I've had the opportunity to try over the past several months (some are not the best quality-- blame the point-and-shoot!). Take note of what looks good, give the Baker Boys a call and pick up some sugary satisfaction!
Hot Fudge Sundae |
Peanut Butter Cup (the bf's fave) |
Cookies and Cream (filled with Oreo creme!) |
Caramel Mocha (filled with gooey caramel!) |
Apple Pie (filled with apple pie filling- not my fave) |
Apple Pie Frosting with Caramel |
Peanut Butter Cup & Turtle (also filled with caramel!) |
Turtle (caramel filling is delicious but cake was too dry!) |
Chocolate (can't go wrong-- great frosting!) |
My Faves: Red Velvet & Banana Chocolate Chip (get these!) |
Some of the Latest Offerings (check out those low prices!) |
Baker Boys Shop Decorated for Valentine's Day (shows you how long I've been taste testing!) |
Baker Boys Display Case at Day's End (Good Work Boys!) |
What are some of your favorite cupcake flavors? What flavors do you think Baker Boys should make next?
Baker Boys
Facebook Page
733 St. Johns Ave.
Highland, Park, IL 60035
(847) 433-0430
I just drooled on my computer reading through this. YUM! Can't wait to stop by this place next time I'm in the north burbs, these looks SO GOOD. Thanks for sharing!